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Pizza makes you happy: science says so Pizza makes you happy: science says so

Pizza makes you happy: science says so

03 September 2024

Pizza ingredients, such as tryptophan, stimulate the production of serotonin, the happiness hormone, and improve your mood!

Do you know that feeling of joy you feel at the first bite of a hot and stringy pizza? It's not just your impression: there's a scientific explanation behind this irresistible pleasure. Pizza, with its simple and genuine ingredients, is not only an icon of Italian cuisine, but a real happiness stimulator. And now science confirms what many of us already suspected: eating pizza makes us happier!

The key ingredients of pizza, such as tomato and cheese, are rich in tryptophan, an essential amino acid that plays a fundamental role in our well-being. This was revealed by Jolanda Grillone, member of the Observatory of Occupational and Environmental Diseases of the University of Salerno, explaining that mozzarella and dough contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid that intervenes in the production of serotonin, also known as the "happiness hormone". This chemical regulates our mood and helps us feel more relaxed and serene.

But it's not just a question of chemistry. Eating a pizza, perhaps in the company of friends or family, creates a positive social context, stimulating a sense of belonging and sharing. These moments of conviviality help improve mood, strengthening the bond between food and our emotional well-being.

Furthermore, the smell and taste of pizza activate the reward centers in our brain, generating an explosion of pleasure that makes us feel satisfied. The combination of carbohydrates and fats, present in the base and in the toppings, triggers a reaction that makes us perceive food as a "comfort food", capable of reducing stress and increasing good mood.

So, treating yourself to a pizza every now and then not only satisfies the palate, but is a real panacea for the soul. And in this case we can really say it: every slice brings a pinch of happiness!

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