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New travel trend "bleisure": an American neologism that crosses the terms business (business) and leisure (leisure)

01 August 2024

In recent years, a new trend has taken hold in the travel world: "bleisure." This American neologism, which combines the words "business" and "leisure," represents a mode of travel that combines work commitments with moments of relaxation. But what is behind this phenomenon and why is it becoming increasingly popular?
The concept of bleisure has developed with the evolution of work dynamics and the changing expectations of modern professionals. More and more people are trying to balance work and leisure, and bleisure offers a perfect solution. During a business trip, travelers extend their stay to explore the destination, visit tourist attractions, enjoy local cuisine, and engage in recreational activities.
One of the main factors that has fueled this trend is the increasing flexibility of work. Thanks to the rise of remote working and digital technologies, many professionals can carry out their duties from wherever they are. This has made it easier to combine business and pleasure in the same trip, without the need to rigidly separate the two.
Companies are starting to recognize the benefits of bleisure, both for employees and for the company itself. Employees who travel for work often feel less stressed and more motivated when they have the opportunity to enjoy some leisure time as well. This can translate into increased productivity and better quality of work. Additionally, companies can benefit from happier, more satisfied employees, reducing turnover and improving their reputation as an employer.
Destinations and industry players are also adapting their offerings to appeal to bleisure travelers. Hotels, resorts, and travel agencies are creating packages that combine conference rooms and workspaces with recreational activities and luxury amenities. Cities are promoting events and attractions that can be easily integrated into a business trip, making it easier and more affordable for travelers to extend their stay for leisure.
Another interesting aspect of bleisure is the positive impact on the local economy. Bleisure travelers tend to spend more than purely business travelers, thus contributing to the economy of the destinations they visit. This includes spending on restaurants, shopping, tourism and local transportation, which directly benefits local communities.
However, bleisure is not without its challenges. One of the main issues is time management. Combining work and leisure requires careful planning to ensure that work commitments do not interfere with relaxation time and vice versa. Additionally, some professionals may find it difficult to truly “switch off” from work, even during leisure time, risking not enjoying the experience to the fullest.
Ultimately, bleisure is a growing trend that reflects the changing work dynamics and expectations of modern travelers. Combining business and pleasure in one trip offers numerous benefits, both for professionals and for companies and tourist destinations. With the right planning and a balanced approach, bleisure can transform a business trip into an opportunity to enrich the personal and professional experience.

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